Jonathan Rewcastle
Software Engineer, Runner, Coffee Drinker
About Jonathan
Full Stack Software Engineer from Newcastle upon Tyne with over 10 years' experience in a wide range of technologies and a strong passion for technology and creating an excellent user experience.
Currently working for the BBC, as part of the new North East Tech Hub based in Newcastle. Previously involved in several successful projects including NBS Chorus, an award-winning software-as-a-service platform for the construction industry, and CONFIRM Sequence, an innovative scientific tool for helping scientists develop novel nucleic acid based therapeutics.
View Full PortfolioFeatured Project: MyPeaks UK Hills & Mountains
UK Peak discovery and logging in this popular 'hill bagging' application for the App Store, first launched in 2012.
View in PortfolioFeatured Project: World Jigsaw
Geographical knowledge puzzle game released on the App Store.
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